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Travel & Tourism
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- Travel & Tourism
The Travel and Tourism Department sits within the wider Humanities Department, where the focus is to inspire intellectually independent global citizens. The Travel & Tourism industry in the UK is substantial and is set to expand across the next decade, indicating its sustained economic impact in terms of employment opportunity and contribution to national GDP. The industry also has a critical role to play in the UK’s ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve a more sustainable environment for the future. At the Bulmershe school the Travel and Tourism team, have a range of experience working in the industry, and aim to teach students about what it is like to work within the tourism industry. This is achieved by educating students on the different components that make up the travel and tourism industry and how these link to the wider disciplines of marketing, technology and sustainability. By the end of the course students will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to progress with their studies in the field of Travel and Tourism or to pursue a career in the sector. Finally, with the course being a BTEC vocational course it means that the students are encouraged and guided to develop the skills required to be an independent learner.
What happens at KS4?
In Key Stage 4, we use the Pearson Edexcel Exam Board New Spec Tech 2022 Level 1/2. This gives the students a chance to expand their prior knowledge from their KS3 geography course and/or personal experiences of travel. Or alternatively immerse themselves in a topic that they have not previously had the opportunity to study or engage in.
Component 1 | Learners study Travel and Tourism organisations in the UK, their ownership, aims, key products and services, and how they work together. They will explore the role of different consumer technologies within the Travel and Tourism industry. Learners will understand the different types of tourism and different types of visitor and will investigate the features and routes to popular tourist destinations. This component is coursework based and the course work is completed in February-April every year. |
Component 2 | Learners will investigate how organisations use market research to identify Travel and Tourism trends and identify customer needs and preferences. They will apply their understanding by exploring how specific needs are met by organisations and how travel planning meets customer needs and preferences. This component is coursework based and is completed in October-December each year. |
Component 3 | Learners will explore the different factors that may influence global Travel and Tourism, and how Travel and Tourism organisations and destinations respond to these factors. Learners will examine the potential impacts of tourism at global destinations and how destinations manage the impacts of tourism and control tourism and control tourism development to achieve sustainable tourism. This component is the only exam in KS4 Travel & Tourism and is completed at the end of Yr11 in May/June. |
How will I be assessed?
Component ONE is a core unit and is assessed internally through coursework assignments.. Learners will investigate Organisations and Destinations in the Travel and Tourism Industry with a focus on the major tourist destinations of the UK and discover how they work together to cater to different types of tourist.
Component TWO is a core unit and is assessed internally through coursework assignments. Learners will investigate customer needs and preferences in Travel and Tourism and how different organisations undertake research in order to provide a competitive and comprehensive service in the global marketplace.
Component THREE is a synoptic unit which develops the learning from Component One and Component Two and addresses the impact of the Travel and Tourism Industry globally identifying and analysing trends and influences. This Component is externally assessed by a 1 hour written exam worth 60 marks.
This course is the building blocks for the Level 3 Travel and Tourism BTEC course run in the Bulmershe School Sixth-Form.
Key Stage 5
The BTEC National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism Level 3 qualification enables students to learn about the travel and tourism industry. It is equivalent to one A Level and carries UCAS points. In addition to the travel and tourism sector-specific content, the requirements of the qualification means you will develop transferable and higher-order skills, which are highly regarded by higher education providers and employers. For example, you will analyse information and data from the travel and tourism industry, identifying trends and the potential impact of different factors on the industry and its customers, which supports some of the skills you need to progress into higher education, employment, self-employment or training. Alumni have successfully secured careers with; airlines, investment companies and marketing organisations.
How will I be assessed?
Unit 1 is mandatory and is externally assessed unit in the form of a written exam that last 1.5 hours. It is worth 75 marks and the assessment is set and marked by Pearson.
Unit 2 is a mandatory unit and is also externally assessed. It is set and marked by Pearson and you will investigate the features and appeal of global destinations, travel planning and the factors and trends affecting the changing popularity of global destinations. It is assessed under supervised conditions. You will be given information two weeks before a supervised assessment period to carry out research. It is worth 60 marks.
Unit 3 is a mandatory internally assessed unit and you will focus on how to develop a successful marketing plan for use by travel and tourism organisations to attract and engage customers.
Unit 9 is an internal unit where you will investigate the nature and role of built and natural visitor attractions, their appeal, popularity, response to diverse visitor needs and the importance of delivering a memorable visitor experience.
This course is designed to support progression to employment following further study at University. It can also support students progressing to employment directly, or via an apprenticeship in the travel and tourism sector for example in hospitality, hotel, cruise ship, airport, holiday rep, visitor attraction or event management.
Teaching Team:
Ms. T Warner (Department Leader) twarner@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk
Mr. D P Tomala (Head of Humanities) dtomala@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk
Mr. T Lord (Head of 6th Form) tlord@bulmershe.wokingham.sch.uk
Further Information
If you have any further queries, please contact the Faculty Leader, Ms. Warner